• Forging Value from Legacy Healthcare Data

We are the Founders of Healthcare Data Archiving, and we are back to help our clients..

Healthcare Data Archiving.  The first time we started this, it was not even a “thing”. Finally it has become a critical strategic element in Information Life Cycle Management. Now, it’s time for a shake up.  The size and scale of healthcare data archiving needs have outpaced the current vendors’ ability to keep up. Not only do organizations need to save healthcare data in a sensible, discrete, cost-effective way, but they need to incorporate it into their data management and data analytics strategy. With the volume of data growing exponentially every day, data archiving needs to be done in a way that critical data is usable, and non-critical or redundant data is safely and effectively deleted and destroyed. Don’t get me wrong – we are not throwing the baby out with the bathwater here.  There are some exceptionally good archiving products and solutions out there.  Archive Foundry is going to help the good ones leverage and scale their expertise while at the same time help customers navigate those solutions to implement the best technologies for the best uses of archive data and provide a centralized process for managing and documenting a data retirement strategy. We are back with more creative ideas,  more innovation, and different ways of looking at your healthcare data archiving needs.

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